
360° Omni Directional Sonar

MAQ Sonar specializes in a group of 360° Omni directional commercial fishing sonar built to be the best solution for shallow water, near surface and pelagic species fishing. With no more blind areas to think about, the operator can focus on the tilt, range and fishing area.

MiniMAQ 90KHz


Key Features
This 90KHz OMNI sonar fits a 6" Sea-Chest
Fixed at 10° transmit and receive vertical beam.
When in DR mode will stabilize in the direction of the Cursor.
"One of the most affordable omni sonars on the market!"

22 KHz Sonar

MAQ Sonar 22 KHz

Key Features
Ideal for long detection ranges.
Proven to find pelagic species.
Further detection distance at surface and in shallow water.
Selectable Transmit power reduction to reduce reverberation and side lobe interferences.

60 KHz Sonar

MAQ Sonar 60 KHz

Key Features
Excellent mid range performance.
Proven to find pelagic species.
Beamwidths as narrow as 6° in transmit means further detection distance at surface and in shallow water.
Good detection of hard to find species.

90 KHz Sonar

The highest-frequency MAQ Sonar ideal for difficult targets.

Key Features
Detect difficult targets.
Surface and shallow water detection.
Easily find pelagic species.
Search near vessel.

Operating Modes

MAQ Sonar specializes in a group of 360° Omni directional commercial fishing sonar built to be the best solution for shallow water, near surface and pelagic species fishing.

360° Stabilized Display

Trawl Mode

Vertical Profile Mode

Consider This

How to Select a Sonar

Often MAQ Sonar is asked “what is the best Sonar for Tuna?” or “what is the best for Sardine?”. While there is a need to have Sonar with the correct frequency to detect one species of fish better than another there are other variables which should be considered before making a decision.

Dive Deeper

Consider these three factors when determining which MAQ Sonar is right for you.

Dive Deeper

1. Depth of water

MAQ Sonar has a 5° vertical beam which translates to a longer detection distance which can be achieved before seeing only surface and bottom in shallow water. This can be very important depending on what type of fish and where is the fishing. Additionally a narrow beam can detect fish closer to the bottom and closer to the surface. See the diagram below:

MAQ Sonar detection distances.
Sandy or rocky bottom of the ocean.
Bottom Type

2. Consider the sea floor

Rock Bottoms

On rock bottoms a MAQ Sonar will achieve 10 meters detection for every 1 meter of depth. This means when fishing in rocky bottom water at 30M deep maximum detection distance will be about 300M.

Sand/Silt Bottoms

On bottom which is sand or silt a MAQ Sonar will achieve 20 meters detection for every 1 meter of depth. This means when fishing in an area with a sand/silt bottom at 30 meters deep maximum detection distance will be about 600M.

Powerful Analytics

Species of Fish

Each fish has a different acoustical signature which is the measurement of their relative target strength. Certain fish display a larger surface, bone, and swim bladder so they are a strong target which means they will be easy to find with any frequency of Sonar. However there are some species which are a strong target but are at a great distance and require specific frequency sonar to find them. Finally there are species which are a very weak target due to size, lack of swim bladder or speed they swim at and require careful consideration.

Verified Detection Distance Versus Target Strength

Based on a vessel speed of 10kts with sea state condition 3 (waves at 1.5 meters).

Detection range for sonar.